The November "Board Brief" is now available.
Our Veterans Program will begin at 1:30 PM today. Please go to our EB YouTube channel to view the program if you cannot attend in person.
Thank you Parents Promoting Tigers for the apple nacho bar! Our staff appreciates all you do for our school!
Eighth grade students observing different crystal types with varying degrees of intensity...
Great representation by the East Butler FFA members @ district livestock judging!
Dwight music students are practicing for the Veterans Day Program.
All grade K-6 students are requested to wear a shirt with the listed color to honor our Veterans this Friday, November 10. We will not recognize Fan Club Friday winners or celebrate the airing of Sesame Street this Friday.
Grade K-2: Red Shirts
Grade 3-4: White Shirts
Grade 5-6: Blue Shirts
Dwight Kindergarten finished their Social Studies unit on careers today. To help learn more about careers they had parents come in and talk about their jobs and dressed as the occupations they want to have when they grow up.
We have a shark catcher, a zoologist, a feed truck driver, and a farmer! Way to go boys!
The day is quickly approaching! Make sure you have your calendar marked for November 18th at 7pm to see East Butler's "One-Act Play Disaster" - featuring some fantastic actors and a hard-working crew!
All students in K-6 have weekly Life Skills lessons. There are fun games, partner activities, worksheets, songs, and homework in each lesson. Units include Skills for Learning, Empathy, Emotion Management, and Problem Solving.
Exposing students to radioactivity is traditionally frowned upon, so the Chemistry class will just use marbles and play-doh to simulate Rutherford gold foil experiment.
Senior parents...reserve your ad space before Monday, November 13.
Yearbooks are currently on sale. Get your copy ordered soon.
Congratulations to Fan Club Friday winners sponsored by Parents Promoting Tigers!
Tiger Stripe winners for October! These students earned an additional recess for their class! Thanks for being safe-respectful-responsible!
GOLD for this Floriculture team! Haley is in top 10 and will learn her placing at the 6pm live steam from Lucas Oil Stadium at
Dwight and Brainard Kindergarten celebrated the 50th Day of School today. We did stations to see what we could do in 50 seconds, tried to blow bubbles, dressed in 1950s attire, and drank root beer floats! #evenbetter
National FFA Convention floriculture competition starts NOW! 8 hours of intense rotations. A botanical gardens tour yesterday was perfect for these plant loving girls!
Thanks to area businesses for providing treats for our students! We also appreciate PPT for organizing the Halloween Parade!
Happy Halloween from East Butler staff members! 🖍️